Tuesday, April 16, 2013

3 Months (and 2 Months!)

Felicia at 2 months:
At 2 months Felicia...
*weighs 12lb 1oz
*measures 23.5 inches in length
*smiles and coos
*loves to cuddle and to be sung to (and sometimes sings along!)
*is happiest in the morning 

*adores her papa


Felicia at 3 months:
At 3 months, Felicia:
* loves to play with her toys
* drools A LOT
* smiles and talks 
* wants to stand 
* sings along to the ABCs (in her own words)


  1. Grow, baby, grow! Love the smile and the cute outfit in her 3 month pic!

  2. Shhh don't tell, but Felicia's monthly pictures are definitely my favorite out of all the monthly pictures I see. Love the laying down with blocks...and her wiiiiiide eyes and big smile? You are so lucky I live far away, or else she might end up being kidnapped. :)

  3. She is such a doll! I wish her and Reagan could have play dates!

  4. awww she is soo cute!!love her smile!! I wish we could meet for some play dates :)

  5. SOOoooo adorable!!!

  6. She could not be any cuter!!! You take the best pictures! So sweet!
