Thursday, June 27, 2013

5 Months!

Felicia at 5 months:

At 5 months, Felicia:
* has 2 teeth!
* is learning to drink from a cup
* has the biggest smiles for her Papa
* likes to feel the grass with her feet
* loves to chew on her toes
* laughs when put in the kangaroo hold in Mom's ring sling
* picks up anything and everything within her reach (notice the block arc looking funny? Silly girl kept reaching up and grabbing them!)
* WILL bite you! We are working on this, but watch out!
* has been asked to be a flower girl next May! (Mom may be more excited about that one!)


  1. Happy 5 months, Felicia! I loved Davis at that age, so I hope the same is true for you! :)

  2. LOVE that little jumper...and of course the curls!!

  3. These little girls are growing up way too fast! Reagan still doesn't have any teeth and I can tell she is miserable but she is still all smiles. EVerything goes to Reagan's mouth these days so it is a great reason to keep my house clean!

  4. aww...she is such a cutie!! I love her little jumper!
