Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The power of food

I had an appointment today. Ponyo's heart rate was 142 beats per minute. My weight gain and belly size are spot on for 30 weeks, 4 days. And my iron (hemoglobin level) was up to 11.3! When it was measured last month, it was borderline low (like 10.8 or something). I guess they like to see it above 11 and I got it there by changing my diet for the last month. Nothing major, just lots more spinach (I eat a spinach salad or green smoothie almost everyday), lots of broccoli with dinners, tons of nuts and seeds (especially almonds and sunflower nuts, yum!), and a healthy amount of legumes (mainly garbanzo beans...Ponyo has a dance party every time I eat anything with chickpeas!).

I also cut back on dairy a little, especially when I am eating iron rich foods. Did you know that calcium inhibits the body's ability to absorb iron? I learned that from the little cheat sheet they gave me at the clinic.  So, no more cheese on chili, burritos, or my baked potatoes with broccoli on top. Instead I've been sprinkling nutritional yeast on my food. Growing up, we used to sprinkle nutritional yeast on our chili all the time. Thankfully my Mom gave me a jar a few months ago, so I had it on hand, and now I am using it instead of just having it take up space in the fridge. It has a cheesy flavor but is much more awesome than cheese when it comes to vitamins:

Eating a heaping tablespoon of nutritional yeast is like taking a high-potency B-vitamin complex. A serving will generally stock you up with a couple of days’ worth of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, and B12, and a substantial amount of folic acid. Nutritional yeast also packs a decent amount of fiber and protein into a pretty small, low-calorie package.  All in all, as cheesy-flavored toppings for popcorn and pizza go, it’s pretty impressive. (source)

It is win, win, win! I get to absorb my iron more efficiently, I get the satisfying taste of cheese (which I LOVE), and I get all those vitamins plus extra protein! Woo hoo! And nutritional yeast has no calcium in it whatsoever. Oh, and it is gluten free.

For anyone else struggling with low iron, eating foods rich in vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. So, I try to make sure that if I have a green smoothie, I include vitamin C rich fruits like mangoes or oranges in it. When I eat chili or a dish with garbanzo beans, I make sure there are tomatoes involved in the meal.

It seems that my body is very sensitive to what I put in it. Food and nutrition are such powerful things!


  1. I love green smoothies-- they've become an integral and beloved addition to my diet over the last year! I remember having nutritional yeast a long time ago- a family I used to babysit for would use it. I remember liking it, but seriously haven't thought of it in probably a decade...until now! I might have to look into getting some of that into my diet! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Good for you for going for iron-rich foods instead of "cheating" and taking iron supplements like I tried to do when my levels were borderline low with Davis... those puppies are NOT kind on the stomach! And glad everything is looking good :)

  3. Awesome news and thanks for the info! I'm not sure I can do the spinach but I am all in for broccoli! but I can cut down on the dairy and increase my vitamin C. I've also started taking a supplement so hopefully this helps get mine back up.

  4. This is good stuff Bird! You're smart! : ) Where do you get nutritional yeast btw? Any grocery store?

  5. Great post! I passed my glucose test, but I'm anemic. I also drink a TON of milk, so I guess I'll have to cut back. :(
