Wednesday, November 2, 2011


At my school there are three (3!) teachers expecting their first babies next spring. They are due in March, April and May. Two of them know that The Bee and I have been ttc for over a year. These two have been my friends since my first year teaching. One of them started teaching the same year as me so we sort of have this special bond. We have done ski club together with our school for the last 2 years. I was there when she picked out her wedding dress (which was gorgeous on her and had the cutest pockets). I helped her with tasks for her wedding reception last fall. We even took snowboarding lessons together (along with The Bee) last winter.

And then she got pregnant. She and her husband decided to go off the pill in July. She got pregnant in August (even though they didn't want to get pregnant until October). I sat with her in the nurses office at school when she was having bad cramping in September. I took over her partner teacher's (who is the other pregnant friend) class on one of my preps so they could chat while she (still) laid in the nurses office.

Now I listen to them talk at lunch about their pickle cravings and how tired they are. How they don't worry if they forget to take their prenatal vitamins and how they take still take ibuprofen for headaches.  (I, on the other hand, have been taking Tylenol whenever I have headaches or cramps *just in case* and have been religiously taking those darn vitamins for 17 months!). I know I sound all complainy but I am really happy for them both.

Here comes the not-so-cool part. I have become the excluded. It is mainly a lunch thing (how junior high is that?!). Here are two conversations from the past 2 days:

Yesterday, as I am making tea to have with lunch:
4th grade teacher: Gosh, it is COLD in here!
Me: Yeah, I heard they are still trying to fix the boilers.
Pregnant teacher friend (PTF): Oh, tea! That's a good idea. (looking at other pregnant teacher) I have some tea in my room if we want some. (looking back at me) Oh, wait, I guess WE can't have tea.

PhyEd Teacher: So, are any of you planning on doing ski club this year?
PTF: I can't. I am SO sad!
PhyEd Teacher (looking at me): Are you going to?
Me: I'm planning on it! And my husband will probably come, too!
PTF: I am SO sad that I can't! That was, like, the FIRST thing I thought when I found out I was, you know, pregnant. How SAD it is that I can't snowboard this year.
PhyEd Teacher (to me): Yeah, your husband should come!
PTF: I just got a flyer in the mail from the the ski place and I was just upset. My husband said "You should just give it to The Bird since SHE can use it."
Me: Sure, thanks.
PTF: I REALLY wanted to do it this year but it probably isn't a good idea.
Me: Yeah, I am pretty sure they say snowboarding isn't the safest. People can take some hard spills. Maybe next year, right?
PTF: Yeah. I hope YOU have fun this year, though.

Okay, in writing, those conversations don't look that bad. I tried not to be sensitive about it. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. But it definitely seems like she has a chip on her shoulder about something. Shouldn't I be the grouchy one? Goodness gracious. And, for the record, I'd rather be pregnant right now than be able to snowboard this winter, thankyouverymuch.


  1. Geez!! I would feel the same way you do with those comments being thrown around. Exactly-- why is SHE acting all huffy??!

  2. AHH I can totally relate to the tylenol and prenatal vitamin thing... how nice must it be to not have to worry about it so much- blah. Thanks for commenting on my blog- I am a follower of yours now so I'll be reading (and likely commenting along with Erika) :)
