Sunday, June 3, 2012

The hurt doesn't end

Yesterday The Bee and I attended a birthday party for a friend's 2-year-old twins. We love the family and my BFF and her husband are close to them, too. The three of us girls have known each other since 6th grade and our now husbands have become friends through our close relationships. Part way through the party our friend (with the twins and also a 3-year-old) approached the four of us and said,

"I wanted to share something with you. There is this place that is NFP based and they can help you, you know, since you can't do In Vitro or anything. I can't remember what it is called, though. Hold on, let me ask K."

K is her father-in-law. So she drags him over to where we are sitting and he starts talking about NaPro Technology and how they find out "what is wrong with you" and help you "without unnatural intervention." So here are the four of us getting fertility advice from our friend's father-in-law in the middle of a birthday party. We told this friend about some of our struggle IN CONFIDENCE. All she knows is that we have been trying to conceive since August 2010 and that things haven't gone as planned. She doesn't know anything about us seeing specialists, or my MRI, blood tests, ultrasounds, endometriosis diagnosis, the surgery I was supposed to be having at the end of this week...

It felt like a huge breach of trust. After he finished talking to us (and to his credit, I believe he was trying to be considerate and helpful...he doesn't know that our friend shouldn't have shared info about what we are going through) my friend started up again talking about how bad most fertility treatments are and how Catholic people can't do IVF. I sat there with my lips mostly zipped. This friend knows that our niece and nephew were IVF encouraged. Also, she has no idea what it is like to struggle with infertility. She got pregnant with her 3-year-old within 4 months of starting to try and then got pregnant with twin girls BY SURPRISE less than a year after their first daughter was born. To say I was steamed by her comments is an understatement. All I really added to the conversation was that, yes, I already know about NaPro Technology because one of my cousins worked with Thomas W. Hilgers (the doctor who is kind of the head of NaPro Technology) in Nebraska when she was finishing her residency while becoming a doctor.

I am still hoping and praying for good news on Wednesday. And you can bet your bottom dollar that I won't be sharing our (hopefully) good news with this friend until the beginning of our second trimester.


  1. How annoying! That whole situation was ridiculous, and at a birthday party no less! Prayers for good news for you on Wednesday!

  2. Holy moly! Wow. I am so glad that I was told about NaPro privately from a friend who had done and tried everything else first (she ended up conceiving shortly after she started Creighton charting). We went this route not because J and I are Catholic (we are not) but because, yes we wanted to find out if there was an underlying medical problem....we did find out a lot, BUT 2 years later, we are still not pregnant. Just like with people giving unsolicited advice about what you should be doing, we get advice the other direction. "Just do IVF if NaPro isn't working" I HATE that people do not have the consideration to THINK about how hard it is to deal with IF let alone choose a path. Coming from someone who literally knows 1 person in real life who used CrMs and NaPro no treatment path is perfect. There is no magic bullet. Sorry, I went on a bit of a rant there :)

    1. I think NFP can be great (and I am sure NaPro can be, too) but like you said, it doesn't work for everyone! We have been Creighton charting since 2006 and ttc since 2010! I feel like even though we haven't seen an NFP trained doctor I have received good care from the specialist we've been seeing. I have advocated for myself a bit (like, "No, I won't try Clomid until I know if I am ovulating on my own, thanks!") and my doctor is very respectful of how we've wanted a lot of answers about what our bodies are doing before we start trying treatments. As for the IVF stuff, it worked for my SIL and I am so glad that we have my niece and nephew! Even though I am Catholic, I don't see any moral reason that IVF or other treatments are wrong. We don't think it would be for us even if it came to be our only option, though, because of the taxing emotional aspects, the cost, and how hard some of the things can be on one's body. I don't think I'd be able to get through it. I sure am glad that it is an option for others, though! I appreciated your rant!! And I totally agree that IF is hard enough to deal with and deciding the next step is extremely difficult, too! Support from loved ones is wonderful, rude "advice" from people who don't have any understanding of things, on the other hand, is certainly NOT!

  3. Wow! I'm so sorry you experienced that. I'm speechless. This whole IF thing has made me come to realize that your opinions should stay in your own head until you are asked for them. They are generally not helpful or supportive. I am so sorry that this convo ended up being so invasive and hurtful. XOXO Prayers for a great Wednesday!

    1. Thank you:) IF has made me more sensitive to others as well. For example: I will NEVER ask a couple when they plan to have kids, that is for sure! There is enough hurt in this world, I don't need to add to it, you know?

  4. Ummmm I don't know this girl but I'm pretty sure she's not my favorite person :) I'm sure she has plenty of redeeming qualities, but wow, she is not big on sensitivity it sounds like! Anyway, most importantly, continuing to pray for continued good news for you and the baby!!

  5. Yeah...I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must have been...and at a birthday party!! Sheesh. So much for keeping things in confidence. Sorry you had to deal with that. Definitely don't tell her anything you need kept on the DL in the future!!

  6. Oh man. What makes people think that something like that is ok?? I think the worst part is that your friend probably truly thought she was being helpful. Oy! We have enough to deal with without these ridiculous people in our lives. Hope you're feeling good and enjoying your pregnancy :)

  7. I didn't grow up Catholic and even though I converted before Matt and I got married if it came down to IVF was our only option left you can bet your bottom dollar it would happen reagrdless of what my religion thinks. Sorry that was my little rant. I seriously cannot believe that would happen much less at a birthday party! I will say thankfully the ones that I have told about our struggles have either said nothing or my mom has talked to have offered nothing but words of encouragement for us. Sheesh people never cease to amaze me.

  8. It's so funny how when you decide to confide in someone about something important they feel the need to put in their two cents and give advice. Whether they have any experience in the situation or not! I'm sorry your friend was so inconsiderate. I just recently had a conversation with a friend who all but told me she did not believe in IVF (religiously). And then she went on to say she and her husband don't think it's right. I was a little shocked and stunned. In the end, it's nobody's business how you decide to expand your family, except yours! I've got my fingers crossed for good results with your appointment!! xx

  9. Ugh that is so frustrating! I wish some people knew how big a deal it is for a couple to share their infertility struggles with's a big deal! It's not something that you should just go running around telling other people, regardless of your intentions, you know? Praying for good news at your appointment! =)
