Saturday, February 11, 2012

I survived!

I was very well behaved at the shower yesterday. Lots of laughing and smiles (some real, some fake). I only felt a little sad while reading some dumb quote in one of the cards. I can't remember it exactly but it was something about how being a mother is the most important role a woman can ever achieve. That was fun.

The tears didn't come until I was almost home. And then when The Bee got home the waterworks really started. I was laying on the couch moping and complaining about not wanting to cook dinner. So my angel of a husband ordered Chinese take-out from a new place we've been meaning to try. That made the night seem a little better.


  1. I did a LOT of crying yesterday myself after sitting in a room full of pregnant women at my OBGYN's office! Also, we bought a baby gift for a friend today and when the woman at the check-out asked if we wanted to join their e-mail list, I said, "No, thank you." She said, "So you don't want to receive coupons from us?" And I said, "No, we don't have any kids, but thanks..." She's lucky she didn't get tears in response :)

  2. Ugh...stupid cards. I definitely don't look at those. Glad your husband had your back with the Chinese food-- next time, I recommend the Mexican! The healing powers are far superior, I find. :)

  3. I just read ll of your posts! I love them! It really was like reading something that I felt like I wrote! If you made it through all of that without even a slip to the bathroom for a silent sob, I applaud you! And kudos to the hubby for taking care of you and lifting your spirits with such a sweet simple gesture.

  4. I just saw this and thought of you! It is sooo funny!

    “If a tree falls in the forest, can anyone hear it? If an infertile bangs her head against the wall in a bathroom at a baby shower, can anyone hear her?”

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Ha! I didn't even leave the room full of people, so no head banging in the bathroom for me! Thankfully I am pretty good at hiding my true emotions. Being a teacher, I have to act excited and happy to be in a room full of people even if I am feeling rotten. Those skills have come in handy lately! The adult beverages at the shower may have helped a little, too...
