Wednesday, December 26, 2012

37 weeks + 4 days

At the appointment today:

  • I weighed 138.8lbs 
  • My blood pressure was good
  • Ponyo's heart rate was 145 beats per minute
  • I was told that Ponyo has definitely moved down since my appointment last week (I could have told them that...starting Sunday I have been taking way more trips to the restroom because I am pretty sure my bladder is being squished flat!)
  • I am still 50% effaced.
  • I am now 1cm dilated
The doctor said that she couldn't make any guarantees, but she doubts that Ponyo will be born within the next week (great news to my ears!). 

Now that I am in serious crunch time, I am FINALLY packing my hospital bag tonight. I have most of the items sitting on my dresser, I just need to put them in the suitcase! I also need to get my act together and get my curriculum written for my sub (so hard to focus on that right now but I have to do it!).

I hope everyone had wonderful Christmas celebrations with loved ones! Only 5 more days left of 2012!


  1. So glad everything is looking so good! I would also totally be dragging my feet on the sub plans...what a wretched thing to have to think about on school break!! :)

  2. Hooray for packing a hospital bag! Sounds like you're gonna have a 2013 baby! Or the 1st baby of the year?! Good luck with your sub plans.

  3. Glad to hear things are going well! Not glad to hear that your max pregnant weight is my starting weight- ha!
