Wednesday, October 10, 2012

26 weeks

Today's appointment included:

1. Glucose screening: Passed! They need to see a number under 150 and mine was 95. Phew! Not sure what I would have eaten if they told me to change my diet even more!

2. Ultrasound: It was confirmed that Ponyo is a girl. She is measuring at the 52nd percentile, weighs about 2lb 2oz, and had a heart rate of 151 beats per minute. And, she is currently head down! We hope she favors staying that way instead of deciding to be breech.

3. Normal appointment: My hemoglobin is low so I have to eat more iron rich foods. Totally thinking of indulging in my red meat craving due to's really Ponyo that wants steak, right? My blood pressure was great. I have gained about 20 pounds and thankfully my doctor is not concerned about that...I can still gain 15 more over the next 3 months and be within the range they'd like to see me.

All in all, everything looks good! I have all of the rest of my appointments scheduled through January 16, but I am hoping Ponyo arrives before then (if she is not born by that point she will be 4 days overdue).