Sunday, March 4, 2012

11 Things

Okay, I finally did it! Not that anyone was really freaking out over the waiting, ha! But here it is for you, Amanda!

First, here are the rules (that I am not completely following):

Rules For Bloggers: (you must repost these)
1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ blah blah blah, you legitimately have to tag 11 people! 

11 Random Things About Myself:
1. I am super afraid of fish, mainly if they have teeth. Even if they are confined to a tank, please keep toothy fish away from me!
2. I got my first gray hair at the tender age of 15. I have a a nice streak like Stacy London from TLC's What Not to Wear. I also have a sprinkling here and there that I dye every couple months, but I embraced the streak shortly after The Bee and I got married. Don't worry, he loves it and says it makes me look cool like Rogue from the X-Men.
3. I have been a vegetarian since the age of four. In Kindergarten there was a family art project assigned for homework where we had to decorate these huge, cardboard turkeys with our parents and siblings. Mine had gorgeous, hand cut paper feathers and a sign tied around his neck that said. "I <3 Vegetarians." 
4. If I ever decide to eat meat, I will for sure eat bacon and ham. They smell so good! I think pigs must be the tastiest of animals to eat. Are they?
5.  I have only cooked meat once in my life and it was just last December. I made salsa chicken in the slow cooker. I didn't eat any of it, but The Bee said it was better than any chicken he had ever made:)
6. I love to paint. The feel of paint being spread over a canvas is so gratifying to me, almost sensual, really! 
7. I have to wear eye make-up every day or I don't feel fully awake. Even if it is just mascara, I NEED it!
8.  In my worst nightmares my teeth always start to fall out of my mouth at some point. When I wake up I have to run my tongue along my top and bottom teeth to make sure it was all just a bad dream!
9. I am intrigued by bento boxes and bento lunches. Someday when I have kids to pack lunch for, they'll have the cutest, most delicious lunches at their table in the cafeteria:)
10. Although I love ice cream (A LOT), chocolate, gummy bears, and fruit snacks, I tend to favor salty snacks like popcorn, potato chips, and corn chips & salsa. The perfect little dessert/snack? Chocolate covered salted caramels with the salt crystals sprinkled on top. HEAVEN!
11. I have a problem with over using commas, ellipses (...), hyphens, and exclamation points - seriously! I simply cannot help it...I love them too much! 

My answers to Amanda's questions:
1. If you had to have any one song play to announce your arrival whenever you walk into a room, which song would it be?
Who's That Lady by The Isley Brothers. It really doesn't describe me much past the fact that I am a lady but I love the song and it puts me in a good mood whenever I hear it. Plus it would be really funny when I am like 95 years old. Hahahaha!

2. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (Note: there is a correct answer to this question in my book, so answer carefully.)
I'd say the chicken. And she was already with egg. Kind of like the virgin birth of Jesus. God can make things like that happen.

3. What one thing is guaranteed to make you cry?
Any commercial by Google (usually due to something about a baby or kids, blah, blah, blah). You can read my post about this here.

4. What do you do for a living? Did you grow up wanting to do this?
I teach Art. For many years I wanted to be a veterinarian (what kid doesn't at some point, though?), then I wanted to be a photographer/photojournalist  (for National Geographic, obviously), then I wanted to be a Psychologist (not sure why). I didn't change my major from Psych with an Art minor to just Art until midway through my Junior year of college (I always loved Art but never thought I was good enough to major in it/make a living off of it). I've always loved kids and didn't want to go into advertising (blech!) with my Art degree so I opted for teaching little ones and sharing my passion. When The Bee and I did our marriage prep classes, we both thought I'd teach a few years and then stay at home with our offspring. Haven't made it to THAT part of living (yet). So, long story short, I did not grow up wanting to do this, but I love it now!

5. If you had to name your next (or first) child after a pet you’ve had during your life, which name would you pick?
Kirby after my yellow beta fish who was named after a famous baseball player in my state.

6. What’s your favorite sport to play? And to watch?
To play? Haha. I guess you don't really play that. I guess basketball? I have never played an organized or team sport in my life! I was a dancer (and not the in-competition kind, I was the Community Center kind)! To watch? Any Winter or Summer Olympic sport (minus curling, that is super boring) or baseball in non-Olympic years.

7. What’s your pet peeve of the moment (because if you’re like me, they change from day to day)?
People who KNOW that The Bee and I are struggling to start a family making rude/inappropriate/thoughtless comments in our presence. I am way too close to not being able to hold my tongue around some people! 

8. If you had to eat one thing for breakfast every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
An egg scrambler with veggies, cheese, and tater tots or hash browns. I mean, it's got it all...protein, veggies, and, most importantly, POTATOES. Yum. If you get sick of a part, just eat what you want (i.e. the potatoes).

9. How many glasses of water do you drink, on average, per day? Are you proud of this number?
Not nearly enough during the school year...somewhere between 3-5. I do much better in the summer. I am not proud of this number and need to try to do better! 

10.What was your favorite grade in school growing up and why?
Ninth grade. I left my hellish Catholic school behind (the teachers/education were GREAT, the kids were beastly!!) and attended a public school. The kids were way nicer from 9th grade on. Also, I met one of my BFFs that year (the one responsible for, like, every good thing in my life!). 

11. How many pairs of shoes (estimate) do you own?
Forty-seven. But that does include 2 pairs of snow boots (NOT cute ones) so it should probably really be 45.

My 11 questions for anyone who is bored and needs something to do (I am skipping the tagging part because most of my 11 followers have already done this! ha!):
1. What is your morning routine for waking up/getting ready on a work day?
2. How many days a week do you wear your hair up (on average)?
3. What color (if any) dominates in your wardrobe? Note: Black and white don't count!
4. What is your "guilty pleasure" as far as media (movies, television, music, books) go?
5. What is your favorite flavor/color of gummy bear? If you don't like gummy bears, what is wrong with you? (sort of kidding on that second q)
6. Do you garden? What do you grow?
7. Do you make art or do crafts? If yes, what is your favored medium?
8. Can you do impersonations of any characters/celebrities? Who?
9.  Is your second toe (the one right next to the big toe) longer than your big toe? 
10. What kind of toothpaste do you use? Are you loyal to that particular brand?
11. What is your favorite card game (with a regular deck such as "Speed" or special deck such as "Quiddler")?


  1. YES, bacon and ham are by far the most compelling reasons to become a carnivore. I have often thought that I could MAYBE handle being a vegetarian except for giving up bacon. Absolutely couldn't do it. But then, if you're going to make exceptions for bacon, then you may as well make them for all meat, since it's not like bacon really has any redeeming factors (above chicken or something). So that's why I'm not a vegetarian. Well, and also I really like all the other meats too. :)

  2. YAY glad you did it!! And I have to ask- what was your reason for originally becoming a vegetarian at the young age of 4? I'm impressed that you've stuck with it for this long, because there have been times in my life that I'm fairly sure I only survived in thanks to cheeseburgers and/or fajitas :)

    Also, totally agree about the chicken/egg!
