Monday, January 23, 2012

I am tired

of cooking for two and then eating dinner alone 4-5 nights a week.

of planning and prepping lessons for my classes.

of finding out that I am still not pregnant each month.

of having tension headaches daily.

of hearing how utterly sad pregnant ladies are that they don't get to snowboard this year (yep, via text messages Saturday and again at lunch today, too).

of spending approximately 5 hours a day with my husband, all of which are spent sleeping.

of the sun going down before I get to leave my basement level, frosted window classroom.

of having dark circles under my eyes.

of feeling angry about infertility.

of crying or tearing up at least once a day.

of comparing myself to people who seem to have more.

of washing paintbrushes after school.

of not having energy to floss my teeth every day (gross, I know, but it doesn't seem important these days).

of feeling hopeless.

I am so tired.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh I hate how you are feeling, and wish there was more that I could do to help, but please know that I am continuing to pray! Not just for a pregnancy but for PEACE in the meantime! Also, remember this quote I read recently: comparison is the thief of joy. Life is too short to measure yourself up against everyone else!
