Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pregnant infertile

Despite my current pregnancy, I still have a diagnosis of infertility caused by endometriosis. A statistic that I read somewhere (I know that sounds very official, but I can't remember the source!) stated that 30-40% of infertile women have endometriosis (some of these women also have other fertility diagnoses comorbid with the endo). It is a serious condition that, until last winter, I thought just caused painful periods and heavy bleeding. I had no idea what all of the other symptoms were. I had no idea what the causes were. I had no idea that Western medicine believes there is nothing a woman can do to prevent or slow the progression of the disease.

I am sure I sound like a broken record lately, but I identify much more closely to other women who are struggling or have struggled with infertility than I do with women who become pregnant effortlessly. I am easily offended by some of the statements people make in regards to pregnancy and motherhood. I am annoyed by requests from people to post belly pictures on facebook. I was royally peeved at a friend who commented on our public facebook announcement by talking about how she knows 9 pregnant friends now. That is NOT what anyone needs to hear when they are announcing a pregnancy. Especially after dealing with infertility. I get really, really angry when parents tell me to enjoy these last months of freedom. As if I don't know the first thing about what we are getting ourselves into. As if I was lucky that it took two years so that my husband and I could enjoy life child free for longer. I know we will be on a steep learning curve once Ponyo arrives. I am sure there will be unforeseen challenges in addition to the hardships we are expecting (i.e. sleepless nights, less disposable income, etc), but we are fully invested in this child and the life we will have with them.

I don't think I have come right out and said it, so I am saying it now. If I ever post anything that hurts any of you or even slightly annoys you, please let me know (in a nice way, if you can, please!). It will never be my intention to sound like I have forgotten where we were earlier this year. I am not sure what direction this blog will go as time passes. For now, I plan on keeping it as is. I will post pregnancy related items in the main body of my blog as we learn more about Ponyo. However, I have added a new tab up top where I will post any pregnancy related pictures so that they don't show up on your reader. Trust me, I know how even a tasteful pregnancy photo post can make a hard day even harder!

Many of you have slowed down on posts and I am curious about how you are! I hope everyone is well!


  1. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. I think even people who recognize or know about your (a GENERAL your, not you personally :) ) IF struggles before pregnancy often don't comprehend that those emotions remain, even after pregnancy. 9 months can't erase years of pain...but it seems like a lot of people don't think of that. Anyway, I think you do a great job balancing excitement (as you SHOULD be!!) with thoughtfulness. Hopefully you will be contagious haha.

  2. Ditto to what Erika said! And for the record, I do want to see your baby belly pics!! :)

  3. Thank you! I think you are handling the blog and being sensitive to those of us "still in the trenches" extremely well!

  4. Ditto to the other 2. There have been some other ones who have started a tab and I will be joining that crowd as soon as I remember to get all my stuff together. I will say though that people never cease to amaze me anymore with what comes out of their mouths.

  5. Girl, you are awesome. I also appreciate the pregnancy tab and I definitely want to see pictures and get updates on Ponyo! I bet it's hard to bit your tongue when people say/ write stupid things! Especially on FB. I lost a friend years ago by simply posting that I would love to be in her shoes (complaining of headaches, nausea etc at the VERY beginning of her oopsie pregnancy) I just couldn't help myself. It pissed me off. Now with you girls, bring it on. I wanna know everything :)
